
The Innovation Blog

Haikus for the Soul (the Innovative Soul that is)

Posted by David Culton on December 5, 2024

Here at Creative Realities, we use an 11-step process of creative problem-solving to help our clients generate, develop, and troubleshoot ideas to help them overcome an obstacle, realize an opportunity, or to simply stretch their thinking beyond its current state. In only working here a few shorts months, I've seen this process produce some amazing results for people and it makes me wonder why everyone isn't using this method to better their professional and/or personal lives?

Rather than launch into tome-length explanations Visual Haiku, Jay Ai plus Powerpointof each step, I tried to push myself to come up with a creative, simple way to illustrate these for you and I think I've realized it: haikus! Now I'm no Basho, but I was able to stay inside the 5-7-5 syllable guideline and inject wit where it fit (no, not there).

So get comfortable, center your chi, sip your chai, and marvel as I masterfully feng shui the 11-steps for your edu-tainment. And please, no kung foo fighting.


Step 1 & 2: Task and 5 Questions

To get us started,
Please tell us the what when whys.
And away we go.

 Step 3: Brainstorming

Wish, wishes, wishing
For mad, absurd, crazy-ness
Till your face is blue.


Check back on Monday for Steps 4, 5, and 6!

By Amanda Hines, Associate Business Innovationist, @amandaehines

Topics: creativity, Amanda Hines, convergent thinking, divergent thinking, creative problem solving, brainstorming